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Kagarama s.s also known as the school of excellence in Kicukiro district and it is one of the best schools in Rwanda when it comes to games and sports. In our school sports is carried out as a principle activity and as a subject. Among the kinds of sports we do include; Football, Cricket, Volley ball, hand ball and other upcoming game which is Rugby.

We as students we carry out sports on Wednesdays, we like sporting not only for having fun but also for our better health as youth. Sports brings us all together hence making friends and we love the good lessons that we get from sports such as; discipline, helping one another, the spirit of brotherhood and many others. Among the things that facilitates us is the good response of our school administration and staff members when it comes to sports, not forgetting our head master who do and support sports.

The 3 main and loved games at our school, the first one is foot ball, this is much loved at our school due to the fact that the school have a good and well prepared play ground not, forgetting our school’s calmed environment that encourages us to do sports
the school team of 2013
kagarama secondary school being awarded as the champion of boys school cricket

The second one is Cricket which was introduced in 2005 and now is among the enjoyable games in our school and it is raising our school’s name in whole country due to the fact that K.s.s is the first school in the whole country in cricket. Since 2006 our school cricket team wins the inter schools cricket tournaments every year and also some of our students play for the national team

Thirdly the game of Volley ball which has also contributed a lot to the school, where some of our students play in the National team. Allow me to pen off by advising and encourages the youth to do sports because it keeps our minds and bodies open, active, fit and healthy for our better life.

                                                                                                                 written by Dennis Agaba

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