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Kagarama is located in KIGALI CITY, KICUKIRO DISTRICT, KAGARAMA SECTOR on a very beautiful hill near the main road leading to NYAMATA. The school has  O' level & A level with the following combinations: PCM, MCB, PCB and HEG.

It has approximately one thousand students.Today, we are aiming at performing at a higher level such that by next year the school comes among the best ten schools in the country. To achieve this, the school has set up some measures such as motivating both teachers and learners to perform their duties as required, employing qualified personnel such as lab technicians, well experienced teachers, etc.

The school has a partnership with other schools in the country as well as outside. This is the case for MAKINO partnership,  schools in ENGLAND and KENYA. Come and visit  the school of excellence. Kagarama S.S.
                                          (The school of excellence)
                                                                                                           written by K.FRED


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Anonymous said...

Nice scl kbx it is excellence in the holl country

Anonymous said...

Ohh please can I get babyeyi for S4 PCM student

Anonymous said...

Is there hgl section